Follow @webinarg on Twitter for regular updates on upcoming webinars from several different plastic surgery centres
Canniesburn Webinar 17th Aug 2020 - Head and Neck Reconstruction
Stoke Mandeville webinars
Pulvertaft webinars
ICOPLAST webinars
Melanoma Institute of Australia - modules
BAPRAS student webinars
BAPRAS COVID 19 webinars
BSSH great debates in hand surgery
Plasta Webinars
(Plasta kindly request that anyone viewing these also register independently with Plasta which is a useful website with weekly updates on upcoming events and educational resources for trainees and students)
Coimbatore trauma plastic surgery webinars via Plasta
Lower limb trauma
RCSI Covid-19 Weekly Webinar Series
Pansurg webinars (public health, general topics relating to surgery, surgical research and surgeon wellbeing relating to Covid-19)
Covid Surg webinars
Imperial NHS Healthcare Trust Plastic Surgery Webinars (YouTube uploads awaited)
American Association of Plastic Surgeons BI-ALCL (Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma) webinar
Neligan perforator flaps https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=IHC-Dbsu2cc